African Grey
(Psittacus erithacus)
Native: Equatorial Africa – Angola, Cameroon, Congo, Ivory Coast, Ghana, Kenya & Uganda
Habitat: Dense forests as well as Savanna with open vegetation
Captivity: Common
Wild: Endangered
Diet: Fruit,berries, nuts & seeds.
Interesting Facts
Most people’s first experience of an African Grey is usually an internet video of one singing or reciting an amusing line. A medium sized bird, it’s appearance is nearly devoid of all colour except for piercing yellow eyes and a striking red tail, something even its close cousin the Timneh Grey doesn’t possess. While not all Greys are prolific talkers, this trait has turned the species into one of the most popular types of pet parrot, which has made them a vulnerable target for pet trade harvesters in their homeland. In October 2016, 182 countries voted on better protection for the birds and as a result, the international trade of the African Grey is now banned.
Our Rosie & Smokey: Rosie and Smokes are exemplary ambassadors to their species. Most experienced Grey owners will admit to their companion being a “one-person bird”, a characteristic common among this reserved and shy Parrot. Our two African Grey path residents are somewhat different however. Both maintain that calm, tranquil sense of presence but neither are picky about who they associate with. Rosie will swear loyalty to anyone who pays her enough attention and Smokey is gentle with kids, usually found hanging out with the birthday boy/girl at one of our parties. It’s for these reasons our two Greys are among the most popular residents of our Parrot path.